Saint Francis Welcomes Mobile Wellness to Service Offerings

Saint Francis Healthcare System is pleased to welcome Saint Francis Mobile Wellness to its healthcare service offerings, which arrives to Saint Francis Medical Center this week.

The 45′ coach houses a state-of-the-art 3D mammography unit as its primary service offering. Mobile Wellness will travel the region 45-50 weeks of the year, removing barriers to care and ensuring residents across southeast Missouri have access to life-saving preventative breast cancer screenings, as well as other necessary healthcare services.

The 2022 Community Health Needs Assessment conducted by Saint Francis for Cape Girardeau, Stoddard, Butler and Scott counties identified “Cancer” and “Preventative and Screening Services” as two of the top priorities to address. Additionally, the assessment found poverty, transportation and healthcare availability and accessibility are deterrents in receiving screenings and needed healthcare.

Mobile Wellness will address these priorities by bringing needed services to the patient.

Screening mammography is the best preventative tool for detecting breast cancer in its earliest and most treatable stages, yet many in our region lack access to mammography services. Mobile Wellness will bring healthcare directly to the patient, resulting in better health outcomes for those we are called to serve.

A blessing by the Most Reverend Edward M. Rice, Bishop Springfield-Cape Girardeau Diocese, as well as an open house will take place at a later date. Mobile Wellness will begin accepting appointments for locations across the region after the new year. The schedule will be available on the Mobile Wellness page.